EnvironmentGovernment Did JPMorgan’s CEO demand that world governments forcibly seize private properties to fight climate change? By Jaga Naidu | Environment, Government | No Comments
EnvironmentTechnology Will 70 million acres of trees be cut down and buried to stop climate change? Is Bill Gates behind this plan? By Rebekah Lim | Environment, Technology | No Comments
EnvironmentHealthScience Are Bill Gates’ genetically modified mosquitoes responsible for a rare mosquito-borne virus spreading in the US? By Jaga Naidu | Environment, Health, Science | No Comments
EnvironmentInternational Politics Are fish dying after the release of Fukushima wastewater? By Rebekah Lim | Environment, International Politics | No Comments
Crisis and DisasterEnvironment Were the recent wildfires in Hawaii caused by direct energy weapons? By Omar Farook | Crisis and Disaster, Environment | No Comments