[Editorial update, 15 April, 10:15am] The article has been updated to include clarification from NParks.
We have been alerted to a claim being circulated on Whatsapp:
According to the message, an individual’s husband was fined $300 for flouting COVID-19 Circuit Breaker measures for cycling with their 2 daughters. The creator of the message goes on to state that only a maximum of 2 family members can be out exercising at the same time.
Another message being circulated adds on to this claim, saying that “a family of 3 or more must take turns to go out”.
No more family runs?
According to this FAQ article by gov.sg on what’s allowed during the month-long Circuit Breaker period, individuals can still engage in exercise at open spaces around their immediate neighbourhoods either “on [their] own or with members of [their] household”.
There is no mention of a limit in the number of family members that can be out together at the same time.
However, in the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020 act, it is mentioned that individuals will be allowed “to engage in any recreational activity alone or with any other individual who lives with the firstmentioned individual”.
In this context, it does seem to suggest that an individual would only be able to exercise with one other family member.
NParks responds to our query
NParks has replied to our request for clarification, stating that parks will remain open for the public to exercise “alone or with individuals from the same household”.
It added: “NParks will not fine individuals from the same household who walk, jog or cycle in our parks to exercise.”
However, gatherings in groups in parks for social or recreational activities such as having picnics, group exercising, kite-flying, bird singing, cycling, mountain biking or playing games like frisbee and football are not permitted.
Thus, we rate the claim that only a maximum of 2 family members can be out exercising (i.e. walking, jogging, cycling) together as false.