Our Method

1. Choosing the claims to be FactChecked

We pay attention to claims that could potentially cause a significant shift in public perception on topics of general importance in Singapore. In choosing the claims to be FactChecked, we will consider how viral the claim is, how popular the topic is and how much the claim would impact the public. Claims can be in the form of social media content, forwarded text messages or any type of multimedia (video, photo, audio).

2. FactChecking the claims

Once we decide to FactCheck a claim, we will begin researching to verify the truth behind it:

  • Where possible, we seek the primary source’s confirmation on the basis behind the claim. We will publish the answer or the lack of one.

  • Where we are unable to confirm with the primary source, we will review as many independent and reliable secondary sources as possible to test the veracity of the claim. We also use open-source tools such as Google Reverse Image Search and Tineye to determine the origin of a video or photo in the claim.

  • Where neither primary nor secondary sources are available and it is unclear if a claim is true/false, we will state that the claim is unproven.

  • We will also highlight where a claim is technically true, but the claimant has chosen to give a one-sided view, where several other contexts are available.

3. Reaching out

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy, objectivity and fairness. If you feel that we have not achieved the standard, we encourage you to contact us to request for a correction, submit a feedback or a claim to be fact-checked. Feel free to comment on any one of our posts or write in to us at feedback@blackdotresearch.sg. Alternatively, readers can also contact us via the online form at the bottom of this page.

If new information on a claim has surfaced, which requires us to revise our fact-check and/or rating, edits and updates will be clearly spelled out at the lead of the article.

Our Ratings

Each of our FactCheck comes with a rating to classify the claim made. It is not possible to adopt a “true” or “false” stance due to the nuances in each allegation, so we implemented a spectrum of rating to cover as many categories as possible.

Our Funding

Black Dot Research is entirely self-funded. We receive support from revenue generated through research projects and our clients have absolutely no influence over our content or FactCheck ratings. We do not seek and have never accepted, directly or indirectly, any funds from anonymous sources, political parties, candidates seeking public office or any other source we would consider a conflict of interest.

Sources of revenue accounting for 5% or more of our total revenue in the previous financial year are:

  • Singapore Institute of International Affairs
  • Advisors Alliance Group

Our Ethics Policy

  • Black Dot Research is an independent and neutral company. We are non-partisan and are not members of any advocacy or activist group.
  • Employees of Black Dot Research are not allowed to be involved in any partisan political activities or have any affiliations with any political parties.
  • While employees of Black Dot Research are allowed to support social causes in their personal capacity, they are not permitted to identify themselves as representatives of the company if they attend campaigns or events as a general member of public. Employees are also required to be transparent with their participation in such activities.
  • We strive for quality of information at all times. We commit ourselves to the truth and fairness in doing FactChecks.
  • Fact-checking is a continuous endeavour. We will update or correct our publications if new information or an error has been identified and brought to our attention. Edits and updates will be clearly spelled out at the lead of the article.