[VACCINEWatch]: Are fevers after vaccine jabs a sign of your body “expelling toxins”?

By January 6, 2022 COVID-19, Health, Vaccine

We came across this message on Telegram:

The author of the message claims that if individuals have a fever after getting their vaccination jab, it is a sign that one’s body is “heating up to expel the toxin that [they’ve] just injected into [their] body”.

In short, the author is insinuating that the vaccine is actually a toxin, or contains toxins that are harmful for one’s body.

Why do we experience side effects like fever?

Since the rollout of vaccine jabs and their boosters, individuals have been told of (and experienced) side effects like fever, body aches, fatigue and so on. However, not only are these side effects said to be normal reactions, it has been even reported that doctors who experienced these side effects actually “celebrated” when they had them, because they are “positive signs that the immune system is responding to the vaccine”.

For a little science lesson to demonstrate how this works, the World Health Organisation (WHO) explains that vaccines contain weakened or inactive parts of a particular organism (‘antigen’) that triggers an immune response within the body, while newer vaccines contain the blueprint for producing antigens rather than the antigen itself.

When a human body is exposed to a particular antigen for the first time, the immune system responds and produces antibodies specific to that antigen. The vaccine, whether it’s made up of the antigen itself or the blueprint, will not cause the disease in the person who receives the vaccine, but will instead prompt their immune system to respond much as it would have on its first reaction to the actual pathogen.

Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, vice-dean of global health at the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health said in an article on The Straits Times that: “Common side effects such as arm pain, muscle ache, fever, headaches and fatigue are the results of reactogenicity – the physical manifestation of our immune systems reacting to vaccination.”

Dr Ling Li Min, an infectious disease expert at Gleneagles Hospital, added that: “Side effects such as fever and aches are a good sign that our immune response is working.”

It is important to note, however, that this does not mean that vaccines are less effective in those who do not experience side effects, as “there is no correlation between absence or presence of these reactogenic side effects and vaccine efficacy”.

Is the COVID-19 vaccine a toxin, or contains toxins?

As for whether or not the COVID-19 vaccine is a toxin, or contains toxins, various news outlets and fact checkers have repeatedly debunked multiple variations of the claim, from whether or not the spike proteins in the vaccine are dangerous toxins, to whether or not it contains toxic preservatives, to whether or not the vaccine is “99% graphene oxide”, and even that the vaccine “contains toxic ingredients like aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde”.

Therefore, it is false that fevers post-vaccination are a sign that one’s body is “heating up to expel the toxin that you’ve just injected into your body”, because 1. there are no toxins in the vaccine; 2. fevers are normal side effect and indicate that one’s immune response is working.

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